Professionals for superior things
Practical IoT enabling tools, a vast collection of IoT enablement recipes and detailed performance data equip professional installers and designers with the resources to connect and make smart things.
Who are IoT Enablers?
System installers, repairers, craftsmen, electricians, plumbers, architects and do-it-yourselfers who connect devices and systems to the Internet for personal use and for commercial and other business uses.

Why to be a professional IoT Enabler?

Start or grow your business
You'll start your new business or grow your existing business by becoming a professional enabler of cyber-physical systems and IoT applications. >

Create unique experiences for your clients
You'll make available advanced technologies and innovative solutions enabling your clients to take advantage of them through time and space.

Enter the RT network of professionals
You'll participate in refresher courses and competitions for the award of innovative private and public contracts near you e.g. smart homes and cities projects.
Save time and energy
Increase your productivity to connect and make smart things with Realogy IoT.

Connect things like a pro

Earn money by connecting things
Set your innovative job
Don't worry about compliances
Do more with your experience
Become a Realogy IoT licensed professional
Are you an electrician, a plumber, an architect, a decorator or a technical artist?
267 professionals chose Realogy IoT
IoT System and Application Installers
Realogy IoT tools are used by installers who put their hands on machinery and equipment to make cyber-physical systems ready for use. Installers are best placed to offer their clients a wide range of IoT-enabled systems and applications such as smart home appliances and automation. They are the "IoT makers".
IoT System and Application Designers
IoT SaA designers are the "IoT planners". They can incorporate advanced design and smart technologies into all aspects of buildings and structures and into all assets included in these and in their surroundings, from heating and cooling to lighting and irrigation to security and resilience.
With Realogy IoT you can

Adapt old air conditioners and electric boilers to allow their remote control

Arrange monitoring of the use of water, electricity and gas in houses, apartments and buildings

Automate watering of plants and access to windows and doors in homes, offices and shops

Regenerate heating and cooling systems of entire buildings for the rational use of energy

Activate protection plans for hydraulic and electrical systems of farms and similar activities

Provide control and actuation systems for optimal management of gardens and cultivated fields
See also