Enjoy the video for a demo cyber-physical system enablement by retrofitting. Be a professional DIYer with Realogy!
Brand neutral. Customer focused.
We are not in the machinery and equipment production business or exclusive with any manufacturer. All of the electromechanic-based systems are eligible for becoming cyber-physical systems through integration of Realogy as long as their design is feasible and end users benefit from using them.
More control and peace of mind.
With a combination of materials and services you can personalise functions and commands of your cyber-physical system. And following standard manufacturing practices means that you can be confident that things are done right. Realogy delivers better performance and superior quality than any alternative in the marketplace.
From idea to lab to factory to market.
Realer and Realino are the best tools for business creation and expansion. They help IoT systems and applications developers get started and profit from exploitation in manufacturing processes. Our powerful hardware and versatile platform create a unique environment to build custom cyber-physical systems for your company.