Awesome out of the box.
Any IoT circuit board can control a home appliance. But only Realino comes with all the software you need to make masterpieces. Realogy IoT features Realer — an easy-to-use app essential for installing, upgrading, and personalising mouth-watering masterpieces. The Realino device and the Realer app work seamlessly together. Try finding that elsewhere.
Unpack your new IoT circuit board and you'll be amazed at what it offers. A bundle of mismatched hardware and software, and that nagging feeling that your IoT project has just been sold to the highest bidder. Of course, it does have that cool processor. Oh, and LEDs. Those will come in handy for home lighting decor when you get stuck with all the software and hardware (both good and evil) you don't want to configure.
Bring home Realogy IoT and you bring home Realino with dozens of built-in features — including in-built intelligence, zero-programming usage, and remote fine tuning, among other cool things — and the complementary IoT enablement app Realer.
All that makes Realogy IoT the perfect toolkit for your IoT professional career from the get-go. Just ask Shyam Purkayastha of Radiostudio. "Changing the way you do DIY IoT work and turning it professional," says Shyam, "with Realogy IoT a person can follow step by step instructions to convert almost any electromechanical device into an intelligent cyber-physical system." That's because Realogy IoT tools are built on the same technology as pro tools. And unlike some IoT enabling technologies that only offers gadgetry, Realogy IoT features gorgeous, professionally designed electronic modules and integration patterns that truly complement your technical knowledge and do-it-yourself attitude.
And creating connected stuff with Realogy IoT is a mere matter of plug and play. Choose the object you want to connect. Plug in the Realino modules following the Realer in-app guidance. Power up the "Realino-object" system, and the Realer app automatically recognises and begins connecting the system. Control the system using nothing more than your smartphone, tablet or computer. It's all there, to facilitate and speed up your IoT enablement work with Realogy IoT.
Using Realogy IoT is the sure way to be a grand master of the IoT. (Before you know, even.)
Influencer career on the way.
Why you'll love Realogy
Enable the IoT with Realogy
Connect things with Realogy, easily, quickly and safely.